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San José defeats Guabira and takes him to the bottom of the table

The holy team thrashed in Oruro to Guabirá (3-0) to send it to the last position of the general table. The goals came from the feet of José Gabriel Ríos (41 ') and Luis Ali (68' and 88 ')

After four dates, San Jose returned to reencontrarse with the victory after thrashing 3-0 to Guabirá, in the restart of the Apertura tournament. With this, adds 13 points and leaves the bottom of the table to be placed in the penultimate position. The match was played at the stadium Jesús Bermúdez.

Gabriel Ríos (41 ') and Luis Alí twice (68' and 88 ') rekindled the team on the road to victory, before a Guabirá that loosened the mark in the rebounds.

San Jose went ahead in search of the opening, with a tactical discipline that allowed the chances of goal to put Guabirá against his bow. The first situation came with an error by Abraham Cabrera (16 '), who cleared to Rios who with the right can not liquidate the resistance of Carlos Arias.

In another incursion, Carlos Arias exposed his experience by drowning the goal of Enrique Parada (22 '), in the hand to hand. Ríos was able to open the scoring with half-time shot that hit the crossbar (25 '), while Arias waved.

The Beniano reloaded with speed on the right, but Arias comes to steal the ball from the feet (26 '). San Jose with the despair was disordered and Guabirá began to animate itself in attack.

Without ideas, the orureans did not find the route of the goal, until Juárez enters between the defense to enable Parada, who watches the exit of Arias, but the santo player passes delayed to Ríos that accommodates the ball to score the first to the 41 (1-0 in favor of San Jose).

Guabirá was close to the equalizer with Kevin Ríos advancing through the greater area, but Franco came out with everything to get the ball.


In the second stage, the local was able to settle with Parada that instead of finishing straight, but the pass was intercepted by Arnaldo Pereira. The sugar began to advance the lines and pressed to San Jose, a mistake in departure of Franco is not capitalized by Siles (50 '), that could shoot to the bow.

Federico Justiniano, DT sugar, ordered the entry of Mauricio Chajtur by Kevin Ríos to be more poignant and wait for the mistakes. It was Jorge Lovera who had the opportunity to equalize (61 '), entering only against the slow pace of Frágola and Jiménez, but resolving with shot deflected to the right before Franco's exit.

San Jose changed to Parada by Luis Ali to resume the attack, while Guabira chose Miguel Rios for Siles to oxygenate the midfield. The home again siezed the bow of Arias who succumbed after a shot from Ali, after the goalkeeper's clearance on the corner.

Guabirá was dedicated to claim faults to referee Luis Irusta, who did not endorse the protests. San José defended with all his advantage, and counterattack, Sánchez with speed enters only and his shot hits Arias right parante, but the rebound ends at the feet of Ali who defines with unprotected bow.

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